The purpose of building Carbon Footprint Adventure is to give middle school students an immersive experience to promote pro-environmental behavior as they feel empathy toward species impacted by climate change (like polar bears). Currently, middle school curriculums do not require instruction on climate change. This experience can help fill that gap by providing an educational, immersive experience that helps learning and constructing values on climate change.
My Role
User Experience Designer
Game Developer
Oct. 2019-Dec. 2019
Unity, Oculus Rift

Demo Video
I had fun learning new technology and the knowledge of the virtual environment. In the building virtual environment part, I was responsible for the integration of Unity and Oculus, the polar bear’s paws, the mirror, the UI, the visual of the animals and scenes, and the demo video. I learned how and why we need to do the integration between Unity and Oculus. Besides, I found out that we did not have prompts in the VR game to let players know what steps to do or what should they focus on the environment. Therefore, we decided to add both audio and visual prompts in our game. I designed the UI(floating text) in photoshop and learned to input it in Unity by using canvas function. Overall, I learned a lot and have so much fun experience in this class. I hope I can learn further knowledge of virtual reality in my future studies!
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